EMSSE - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree and scholarships
  • Information specific to UPT


    For­eign stu­dents can obtain detailed infor­ma­tion from the Min­istry of Europe and For­eign Affairs in the Repub­lic of Alba­nia, Visa regime for for­eign cit­i­zens in the link: Regji­mi i vizave për të hua­jt. — (punetejashtme.gov.al)

    Infor­ma­tion can also be accessed on the offi­cial web­site of the French Embassy to Alba­nia: La France en Alban­ie (ambafrance.org)

    On the offi­cial web­site of the Ambas­ci­a­da d’Italia Tirana: https://ambtirana.esteri.it/sq/

    On the offi­cial web­site of the Emba­ja­da de España en Alba­nia: Emba­ja­da de España en Alba­nia (exteriores.gob.es)

    We sug­gest the for­eign stu­dents get acquaint­ed with the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by Min­istry of Europe and For­eign Affairs in the Repub­lic of Alba­nia as soon as possible.

    An impor­tant infor­ma­tion that may be applied to stu­dents with already a valid res­i­dence per­mit in Italy, Spain or France follows:


    * For­eign cit­i­zens who have a valid, mul­ti­ple-entry Schen­gen visa, which has been pre­vi­ous­ly used in one of the Schen­gen states, or for­eign cit­i­zens who have a valid per­mit of stay in one of the Schen­gen states;”


    Q1: What are the accom­mo­da­tion options in Tirana?

    Accom­mo­da­tion of for­eign stu­dents in Alba­nia is made pos­si­ble by:

    Student Residences

    The for­mer Stu­dents town, Rezi­den­ca Stu­den­tore Uni­ver­sitare Nr. 1. After com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the per­son­nel from the Stu­dents Res­i­dence. We have been informed that for the peri­od Feb­ru­ary-June 2025 the reser­va­tion of the rooms should be car­ried out in the months Sep­tem­ber-Octo­ber 2024, not ear­li­er. The Stu­dents Res­i­dence nor­mal­ly pro­vides twin rooms, for a 100 EUR/per month/per person .

    Fole Residence (private institution)

    After com­mu­ni­cat­ing with Fole Res­i­dence, the legal rep­re­sen­ta­tive Alba Tro­ka, alba.troka@bolv.al) pro­vid­ed us with the fol­low­ing information:

    Sin­gle room apart­ment —  300 Euro.

    Twin room apart­ment for two peo­ple —  350 Euro.

    Big stu­dio apart­ment for two peo­ple — 380 Euro/ for three peo­ple —  450 Euro.

    One bed­room apart­ment for two peo­ple — 450 Euro/ for three peo­ple —  500 Euro.

    Two-bed­room apart­ment with a capac­i­ty of up to four peo­ple —  600 Euro.

    * The fol­low­ing are includ­ed in the price: elec­tric­i­ty bills, Inter­net con­nec­tion and trans­port to and from the cen­ter of Tirana.

    * These are the actu­al prices which can be sub­ject of change at the end of the aca­d­e­m­ic year.

    Regard­ing the avail­abil­i­ty of the apart­ments, more detailed infor­ma­tion will be made avail­able in Jan­u­ary after con­sid­er­ing the types of apart­ments free for rent at that time.

     In case any ques­tions arise, do not hes­i­tate to reach out.

    **Mean­while, we  can be con­tact­ed 24/7 in the recep­tion num­bers and our offi­cial social media address­es. Fole- Res­i­dence

    For­eign stu­dents can also opt for oth­er pri­vate accom­mo­da­tion in Tirana by search­ing for infor­ma­tion online.

    Semester 2 Organisation

     The sec­ond semes­ter (M1S2) will take place in UPT from March 3rd to June 30th 2025, fol­low­ing which all EMSSE stu­dents will par­tic­i­pate in the SOSE con­fer­ence from June 8th to 11th in Tirana, for which they have been reg­is­tered, and con­tin­ue with the sum­mer school until June 14th. 

    EMSSE indus­tri­al part­ners (Renault: Javier Ibanez, CEA: Stéphane Louise, INCOSE: Alfre­do Garo) will give lec­tures and be part of these activities.

    The exam ses­sion will occur dur­ing the last two weeks of June.
