Information specific to UPT
Foreign students can obtain detailed information from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania, Visa regime for foreign citizens in the link: Regjimi i vizave për të huajt. — (
Information can also be accessed on the official website of the French Embassy to Albania: La France en Albanie (
On the official website of the Ambasciada d’Italia Tirana:
On the official website of the Embajada de España en Albania: Embajada de España en Albania (
We suggest the foreign students get acquainted with the information provided by Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Albania as soon as possible.
An important information that may be applied to students with already a valid residence permit in Italy, Spain or France follows:
* Foreign citizens who have a valid, multiple-entry Schengen visa, which has been previously used in one of the Schengen states, or foreign citizens who have a valid permit of stay in one of the Schengen states;”
Q1: What are the accommodation options in Tirana?
Accommodation of foreign students in Albania is made possible by:
Student Residences
The former Students town, Rezidenca Studentore Universitare Nr. 1. After communicating with the personnel from the Students Residence. We have been informed that for the period February-June 2025 the reservation of the rooms should be carried out in the months September-October 2024, not earlier. The Students Residence normally provides twin rooms, for a 100 EUR/per month/per person .
Fole Residence (private institution)
After communicating with Fole Residence, the legal representative Alba Troka, provided us with the following information:
Single room apartment — 300 Euro.
Twin room apartment for two people — 350 Euro.
Big studio apartment for two people — 380 Euro/ for three people — 450 Euro.
One bedroom apartment for two people — 450 Euro/ for three people — 500 Euro.
Two-bedroom apartment with a capacity of up to four people — 600 Euro.
* The following are included in the price: electricity bills, Internet connection and transport to and from the center of Tirana.
* These are the actual prices which can be subject of change at the end of the academic year.
Regarding the availability of the apartments, more detailed information will be made available in January after considering the types of apartments free for rent at that time.
In case any questions arise, do not hesitate to reach out.
**Meanwhile, we can be contacted 24/7 in the reception numbers and our official social media addresses. Fole- Residence
Foreign students can also opt for other private accommodation in Tirana by searching for information online.
Semester 2 Organisation
The second semester (M1S2) will take place in UPT from March 3rd to June 30th 2025, following which all EMSSE students will participate in the SOSE conference from June 8th to 11th in Tirana, for which they have been registered, and continue with the summer school until June 14th.
EMSSE industrial partners (Renault: Javier Ibanez, CEA: Stéphane Louise, INCOSE: Alfredo Garo) will give lectures and be part of these activities.
The exam session will occur during the last two weeks of June.