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    Information specific to UNIGE


    Q1: What are the accom­mo­da­tion options in Genoa?

    R1: At UNIGE, the uni­ver­si­ty does not direct­ly man­age accom­mo­da­tion for incom­ing stu­dents, but has a con­tact point that can sup­port you in your search, this is the Stu­dent wel­come office. They can be con­tact­ed at sass@unige.it.

    The Uni­ver­si­ty of Genoa offers a sup­port ser­vice for find­ing accom­mo­da­tion for for­eign stu­dents, PhD stu­dents or post­grad­u­ates who are study­ing at our Uni­ver­si­ty (but does not guar­an­tee or book accom­mo­da­tion of any kind).

    The aver­age cost of sin­gle rooms varies between €300 and €350 per month, depend­ing on the area and the hous­ing com­fort offered (ren­o­vat­ed flat, wi-fi inter­net, lift, ter­race, etc.), while dou­ble rooms cost between €250 and €300 per per­son. Flats — again accord­ing to aver­age stan­dards — cost between € 500 and € 700.
    Stu­dents must ask their land­lords to sign a rental agree­ment. A fac­sim­i­le is avail­able at the UNIGE Wel­come Office.

    You will find below sev­er­al accom­mo­da­tion options in Genoa (https://unige.it/en/servizi/alloggi):

    ALISEO Student Residences

    Stu­dent res­i­dences man­aged by ALISEO (Agen­zia Lig­ure per lo Stu­dente e l’Ori­en­ta­men­to), locat­ed in close prox­im­i­ty to uni­ver­si­ty sites, are assigned through open com­pe­ti­tion to stu­dents who meet the require­ments deter­mined by the appro­pri­ate call for appli­ca­tions, usu­al­ly issued each year in June.

    S.P.Im Accommodations

    Are you an off-site stu­dent? Are you look­ing for hous­ing in Genoa? S.P.Im, the Soci­ety for Real Estate Pro­mo­tion of the City of Genoa, allo­cates hous­ing through a call for appli­ca­tions.
    The main require­ment is to be a stu­dent, doc­tor­al stu­dent or uni­ver­si­ty researcher resid­ing out­side the City of Genoa or the region of Liguria.

    • Call for Stay&Study: beds in Via Por­ro 6 (GE) from 200 euros per month for stu­dents under 35.

    Housing Notice Board

    With the Hous­ing Notice­board, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Genoa helps you find an apart­ment, room or bed near the Genoa, Savona, Impe­ria and La Spezia hubs. You can browse rental pro­pos­als, com­plete with descrip­tion, pho­tos, infor­ma­tion and read reviews writ­ten by pre­vi­ous ten­ants, here: https://alloggi.studenti.unige.it/indice/?language=en

    Religious boarding houses for college students

    A list of men’s and wom­en’s reli­gious col­leges is avail­able at the Guid­ance Ser­vice — Office of Ori­en­ta­tion to Uni­ver­si­ty Stud­ies — Piaz­za del­la Nun­zi­a­ta 6 — Genoa — (e‑mail: orientamento@unige.it). Upon request, staff will pro­vide address­es, phone num­bers, costs and availability.
