EMSSE - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree and scholarships
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    Information specific to UPC


    Q1: What is my For­eign Nation­al Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber (NIE)? 

    R1: You can find more infor­ma­tion on the For­eign NIE on the UPC web­site: https://www.upc.edu/sri/en/mobility_office/students-mobility-office/incomings/legal-issues/during-your-stay/copy_of_foreigners-identification-number-nie/foreigners-identification-number-nie


    Q1: What are the accom­mo­da­tion options in Barcelona?

    R1: At the UPC, the uni­ver­si­ty does not direct­ly man­age accom­mo­da­tion for incom­ing stu­dents, but the inter­na­tion­al office (oficina.mobilitat.internacional@upc.edu) offers sup­port and infor­ma­tion: https://www.upc.edu/sri/en/mobility_office/students-mobility-office/incomings.

    Please bear in mind that there is a very big demand of accom­mo­da­tion now in Barcelona. For this rea­son, many agen­cies have appeared late­ly to help per­sons to find accom­mo­da­tion and many of them are reli­able, but not all of them.

    You will find on the UPC web­site advise for accom­mo­da­tion as well as links to reli­able hous­ing platforms:


    UPC also wants to warn you about an increas­ing num­ber of alleged hous­ing agen­cies that require PREVIOUS pay­ment to fur­nish you a list of avail­able apart­ments. Many of these agen­cies are not reli­able and, after receiv­ing the pay­ment, they do not offer the stat­ed services.

    Regard­ing hous­ing near the EEBE cam­pus, there are these two options as well (they are pri­vate res­i­dences, and are around 800€/month): 

    https://xior.es/en/xior-student-residence-barcelona/ (the on-cam­pus res­i­dence is the Cam­pus Diagonal-Besòs) 


    Most stu­dents usu­al­ly find a shared room in an apart­ment with oth­er students. 
